The Personal Reflection Blog: A blog on the movies that makes you feel the way you do.

This compilation of movie reviews opens the door to movies, taking you through a myriad choices as well as providing some critical analysis aiding you in identifying films that match you as a person, with (click links) your style as well as your need for authentic story telling.Motion Picture AnalysesMovie BlogsLeprechaun Movie ReviewDecker Shado P

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Battle for the Planet of the Apes Movie Review

Originally aired July 18th, 2012What was meant to be the really, truly actual final Planet of the Apes film - Battle for the Planet of the apes didn't so much end the series with a bang but more a whimper. However, despite it's poor critical (blog post) reception, is there more to enjoy with this movie, (blog post) or have we all truly had enough

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Gappa the Triphibian Monsters Movie Review

During the height of the Japanese giant monster movie mania, several studios tried their hand at their own monster, occasionally making several movies and having some success with the genre. Gappa: The Triphibian Monsters, is not one of those examples. After it's release, the studio that made it nearly went under, and it faded into obscurity.. ho

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